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DIY Shopify xml Product Feed for Google Shopping

A DIY guide to generate your own Shopify XML product feed for Google Shopping including all variants.

WARNING: This post is OUTDATED and the code is no longer maintained. Although the code should still work, please use at your own risk. I personally now use the Google Sales Channel App in combination with Merchant Center feed rules to manage my Shopping Campaigns.

The custom XML Product Feed Code is still available here: Shopify XML Product Feed Template

Here is how to build your own Shopify XML product feed to submit to Google Shopping or other platforms.

  1. Install and upload your feed using the Shopify Google Shopping App (This will setup some meta fields that are used in the script)
  2. Create a custom collection template that outputs xml
  3. Assign the products you want to publish to your new xml collection template.
  4. Submit your new xml collection url to Google Merchant Center.

Step 1: Install Shopify’s Google Shopping App

Shopify’s app is an excellent tool for managing your Google Shopping product attributes, including custom labels, product categories, etc… The custom feed we are about to build will enhance Shopify’s base feed with extra variant information and customized titles. But the base app is still needed to make use of the app’s metafields.

Step 2: Create the XML Collection Template

This step involves getting your hands dirty with code. If you are not a developer and have a low appetite for risk, consider asking a coder to do this step for you.

What we are doing here is creating a template, that when assigned to a collection, will cause that collection to be displayed as XML instead of HTML.

In your Shopify admin, go to:

  • Online Store > Themes > Edit HTML / CSS
  • Under Templates, choose Add a new Template
  • Choose collection from the drop down and name your template xml-product-feed

Paste the following code into your new template and click Save. (It is probably safer to copy and paste this code from github, as that will always be the most up to date version: Shopify xml Variant Shopping Feed)

IMPORTANT: Do not add any extra spaces before or after this code. Your very first line should be start with {% layout none %} and your very last line should be {% endpaginate %}

{% layout none %}<?xml version="1.0"?> <rss xmlns:g="" version="2.0"> {% paginate collection.products by 1000 %} {%- assign useSEOtitle = false -%} {%- assign useSEOdescription = false -%} {%- assign CountryCode = 'US' -%} {%- if shop.currency == 'CAD' -%}{%- assign CountryCode = 'CA' -%}{%- endif -%} {%- assign Color = "" -%} {%- assign Size = "" -%} <channel> <title>{{ }} {{ collection.title | strip_html | strip_newlines | replace: '&', '&amp;' }}</title> <link>{{ shop.url }}</link> <description>{{ collection.description | strip_html | strip_newlines | replace: '&', '&amp;' }}</description> {% for product in collection.products %}  {%- assign GoogleProductCategory = -%} {%- assign Gender = -%} {%- assign AgeGroup = -%}          {% for variant in product.variants %}     {%- assign Color = "" -%}     {%- assign Size = "" -%}     {%- for option in product.options -%}    {%- if option == 'Color' -%}{%- capture Color -%}{{ variant.options[forloop.index0] }}{%- endcapture -%}    {%- elsif option == 'Size' -%}{%- capture Size -%}{{ variant.options[forloop.index0]  }}{%- endcapture -%}    {%- endif -%}    {%- endfor -%}          {%- capture productTitle -%}{{ product.vendor }} {{ product.title }}{%- endcapture -%}     {%- unless productTitle contains Color -%}{%- capture productTitle -%}{{ productTitle }} {{ Color }}{%- endcapture -%}{%- endunless -%}     {%- if useSEOtitle and > 0 -%}{%- assign productTitle = -%}{%- endif -%}     {%- assign productDescription = product.description -%}     {%- if useSEOdescription and > 0 -%}{%- assign productDescription = -%}{%- endif -%}     {%- assign OnSale = false -%}     {%- assign Price = variant.price -%}     {%- if variant.compare_at_price > variant.price -%}       {%- assign OnSale = true -%}       {%- assign Price = variant.compare_at_price -%}       {%- assign SalePrice = variant.price -%}     {%- endif -%} <item> <title>{{ productTitle | strip_html | replace: '&', '&amp;' }}</title> <link>{{ shop.url }}{{ variant.url }}</link> <description>{{ productDescription | strip_html | strip_newlines | replace: '&', '&amp;' }}</description> <g:google_product_category>{{ GoogleProductCategory | replace: '&', '&amp;'  }}</g:google_product_category> <g:item_group_id>shopify_{{ CountryCode }}_{{ }}</g:item_group_id> <g:id>shopify_{{ CountryCode }}_{{ }}_{{ }}</g:id> <g:condition>new</g:condition> <g:price>{{ Price | money_without_currency }} {{ shop.currency }}</g:price> {%- if OnSale -%} <g:sale_price>{{ SalePrice | money_without_currency }} {{ shop.currency }}</g:sale_price> {%- endif -%} <g:availability>{% if variant.available %}in stock{% else %}out of stock{% endif %}</g:availability> <g:image_link>http:{% if variant.image.src %}{{ variant.image.src | product_img_url: 'grande' }}{% else %}{{ product.featured_image.src | product_img_url: 'grande' }}{% endif %}</g:image_link> <g:gtin>{{ variant.barcode }}</g:gtin> <g:brand>{{ product.vendor }}</g:brand> <g:mpn>{{ variant.sku }}</g:mpn> <g:product_type>{{ product.type }}</g:product_type> <g:age_group>{{ AgeGroup }}</g:age_group> {% unless Color == "" %}<g:color>{{ Color | strip_html | strip_newlines | replace: '&', '&amp;' }}</g:color>{% endunless %} {%- unless Size == "" -%} <g:size>{{ Size | strip_html | strip_newlines | replace: '&', '&amp;' }}</g:size> <g:size_system>US</g:size_system> {%- endunless -%} <g:gender>{{ Gender }}</g:gender> <g:custom_label_0>{{ }}</g:custom_label_0> <g:custom_label_1>{{ }}</g:custom_label_1> <g:custom_label_2>{{ }}</g:custom_label_2> <g:custom_label_3>{{ }}</g:custom_label_3> <g:custom_label_4>{{ }}</g:custom_label_4> <g:shipping_weight>{{ variant.weight | weight_with_unit }}</g:shipping_weight> </item> {% endfor %} {% endfor %} </channel> </rss> {% endpaginate %}

or Download from Github: Shopify xml Product Feed

Step 3: Assign products to your xml Collection.

You should now have a new XML Template created. This is just the template that defines how your collection will be displayed on your site. We now need to assign products to this template so we can submit the feed to google.

This involves creating a new product collection, and choosing the xml-product-feed as the template to use:

  • Go to Products > Collections
  • Click the Add Collection button
  • Enter a name for your new collection. I recommend XML Google Shopping Feed – All if you want a single feed for all your products or XML Google Shopping Feed – Shoes if you want this feed to contain your shoe products (or other product type).
  • Add products you want published as part of this collection feed. (either manually or via dynamic rules)
  • Click Save.

Preview the collection to make sure it works. You should just see a bunch of unformatted text on the screen. If you do a “view source” in your browser, you should now see the formatted XML.

Make sure you copy the url of this collection, as you will need to submit this url to Google Merchant center.

Step 4: Submit your feed to Google Merchant

Make sure you have your xml collection url open from step 3 above.

  • Log into Google Merchant Center or create an account if you do not have one.
  • Go to Feeds and click the +Feed button to create a new feed.
  • Mode: Choose Standard or Test (recommended that you choose Test until you are sure the feed is correct)
  • Feed type: Products
  • Select your target country & language. If you have multiple target countries, you need to submit a separate feed for each.
  • Enter a descriptive name for your feed. eg: Shopify XML Feed – Shoes
  • Choose Scheduled Fetches as your input method (recommend daily)
  • Enter your collection url in the File URL field, and the collection’s filename in the name field (eg: name=google-shopping-feed-shoes and url=
  • Save and click the Fetch Now button to download the feed. Wait a few minutes for the feed to complete.
  • Fix errors: If there are errors, Google Merchant Center will tell you in a few minutes. Go back and fix any errors, re-fetch, and keep doing so until the file is error free.

If you have more than 1000 variants, you will need to submit multiple feeds with the ?page=x querystring appended as so:


If you receive any errors, the best way to troubleshoot them is to open the the collection / feed url in your browser and do a view source. Then navigate to the line & character of the error to investigate further

Common Errors

  • Improperly formatted XML Error on Line 1: This is usually because your template has a blank line as it’s first line. Delete the blank line and make sure your template begins with {% layout none %} … exactly as in the code.
  • Improperly formatted XML Error on Line 1: The other cause of this error is that you forgot to choose the XML template for your Shopping Feed Url, and you are actually outputting HTML. Go to your collection in the Shopify Admin console and set the template correctly (at the bottom of the right hand column) 
  • Errors at Lines XXX: The xml file does not support & and > characters. These must be replaced by encoded versions &amp ; &gt ; or the feed will report errors.

(optional) Step 5: Exclude your feed collection from showing up on your store pages

If your store is setup to programatically display all your collections, then you will want to make sure your xml feed doesn’t show up. The exact way to do this will change depending on your theme, but generally you will want to have an “unless” statement within the loop that displays your collections:

{% unless collection.title contains "xml" %}
... your collection code ...
{% endunless %}


If you have complex rules or customization that you want to apply to your feed, you have several options:

  • Use the Google Merchant Center “Feed Rules” tab to transform various values based on various conditions. This is very powerful!
  • Modify your collection template and add conditional statements based on product titles, tags, metafields, etc…
  • Create multiple collection templates with hard coded values
  • Create custom Feed Rules in Google Merchant Center
  • A combination of the above.

If you have more than 1000 variants, you will need to submit multiple feeds with the ?page=x querystring appended as so:

Related Posts & Resources

6 replies on “DIY Shopify xml Product Feed for Google Shopping”

Hi Alex,

Will this feed automatically exclude/remove/delete products from GMC once the collection is refreshed on Shopify and the products are excluded? Or will we have to delete the feed and set it up again and also delete the products on GMC? Because that’s what I seem to be doing now.

The client updates the product price to 0 once the product is sold out and the collection gets updated, subsequently the XML feed should automatically exclude these sold out products, but GMC still shows them as disapproved products (because the price is now 0) instead of removing them even after refreshing and fetching the updated feed. Am I missing anything?


Hi —

1. You can control what products are in the xml feed by creating a custom collection. Eg: A collection where price > 0 — But i think you are already doing something similar.

2. I was under the impression that GMC removes products that are removed from the main feed, but I may be wrong on this.

3. You can ad a line of code to the file to exclude certain products from Google ads:



Hi Alex, your original DIY google shopping for shopify post showed how to just present one variant per product – is there a way to do this now with Feed Rules in GMC?


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